





These questions and answers are available to the users of ALPI software to facilitate their use of our programs.

Software Installation and Start-up

Where do I install the protection key update for a networked system?


You can update the protection key on the PC containing the key.
You should also install this update on each of the PCs using the software.
With Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ALPI Shared
With Vista and Seven 32 bits: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ALPI Shared
With Vista and Seven 64 bits:  C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\ALPI Shared

When Caneco Implantation was installed, I couldn’t find my Autodesk software in the list offered.

Your version of AutoCAD isn’t compatible with Caneco Implantation. The compatible versions are the complete (not LT) versions of AutoCAD 2007 and later in 32 bits; and from 2010 in 64 bits.

On start-up, Caneco Implantation tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> User rights expired”


To protect it when sent by post, the protection key is programmed with an expiry date.
After installation (or reinstallation of the software with an old CD) you sometimes need to go to the ALPI site and update the Caneco Implantation key.

Where can I find the Caneco Implantation installation guide?

A printed version of the installation guide comes with the software installation CD.

You can also download it : Caneco Implantation Installation guide (Pdf format)

On start-up, Caneco Implantation tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> The key will not allow you to run this program version”

Your protection key contains information on the versions you can use. If you have a maintenance contract, you sometimes need to update the protection key after downloading an update of the software.

On start-up, Caneco Implantation tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> Protection key not found”


With USB or parallel port protection keys:
- Make sure the key is properly connected to the terminal and the key drivers are properly installed.
With software keys (FlexLm):
- Check the configuration in ALPI licence manager (customer terminal).

On start-up, Caneco Implantation tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> Licence file (CanBTL.DAT/CanBTP.DAT) incorrect or absent”


Download the key update and copy the files to the computer containing the protection key:
With Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ALPI Shared
With Vista and Seven 32 bits: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ALPI Shared
With Vista and Seven 64 bits: C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\ALPI Shared

Key and Software Updates

How do I update my protection key?

The protection key drivers can be downloaded from the Downloads page of this site.

Where do I find the updates of the software?


These downloads can only be accessed by customers under maintenance contract, in the download space of this website.
NB: If you’re not under maintenance contract, the updates won’t work.

Using the Software

I would like to use Caneco BT modifiable styles in Caneco Implantation

- If Caneco BT is installed on the same computer as Caneco Implantation, the modifiable styles created in Caneco BT are automatically recognised by Caneco Implantation.

- If the two pieces of software are on different terminals, create a Caneco BT file containing the modifiable styles or use an existing Caneco BT file. Then, in Caneco Implantation, in “General Parameters” / “General” tab / ”Caneco BT Project (.afr)” line, double click on the value column to open the Caneco BT file (.afr).

What are the start-up stages of a Caneco Implantation project?


1. Open the DWG drawing and check the unit used for the project (mm, cm, m).
2. Enter this unit in the general parameters of Caneco Implantation.
3. Implement the Caneco objects: distribution(s), receiver(s), paths, terminals, etc.
4. Wire the receivers on the corresponding distribution(s).
5. Save the DWG drawing, which now contains an rdb and mdb file in the same directory.

My project involves several floors. How do I go about the layout?


1. In Caneco BT, create the structure: a main low voltage switchboard feeding distribution boards DB1, DB2, etc.
2. In Caneco Implantation, in each DWG drawing corresponding to the board on the floor, import the Caneco BT project, selecting only the distribution board concerned. Implement and wire the Caneco objects.
3. In Caneco BT, import the mdb file of each DWG drawing completing the structure, downstream of the distribution board: import the circuits (PC, heating, lighting, etc.), cable lengths, consumption of the receivers and coefficients. Calculate the Caneco BT project in accordance with generally accepted practice.
4. In Caneco Implantation, update the cables from the Caneco BT project calculated (import of the cable cross-sections and dimensions).

Software Configuration

How do I configure the automatic management of the layers in Caneco Implantation?

Consult the Caneco Implantation Reference Manual, chapter 9.3, “Layer Management” tab.

How can I enrich my libraries?

Consult the Caneco Implantation Reference Manual:

•chapter 6.4 Edit/Modify the manufacturers and models in the csv files.
•chapter 6.5 Creation of DWG symbols
•chapter 6.6 Add DWG symbols
•chapter 6.7 Create/Modify receiver library files

How do I configure a Base directory in a network common to all the users?

Consult the Caneco Implantation Reference Manual, chapter 6.2, Create/Modify the location of the “base” directory.

Import / Export and Exchanges with Other Software

Table of Caneco Implantation Import/Export Formats




Import to Caneco Implantation from…

Export from Caneco Implantation to…


AutoCAD file (.dwg, .dxf, etc.) on opening

AutoCAD file (.dwg, .dxf, etc.) on saving

Caneco BT

Caneco BT (.afr) on importing

Database file (.mdb) on saving


With optional module I3:
DIALux file (.stf) on importing

With optional module I3:
DIALux file (.stf) on exporting


I’ve got enormous cable lengths in Caneco BT


1/ Check the unit used for the project.
2/ Using the isometric view, check the height of the cable in the circuit. If necessary, edit the properties of the circuit.

I have a problem importing with Caneco BT

Check the cos Phi value of the receivers. If the problem persists, check the coefficient of use and the diversity factor in the circuits.

How do I synchronise a project with Caneco BT?

Consult the Caneco Implantation Reference Manual, chapter 24, Caneco Implantation/Caneco BT Interface.

How do I synchronise a project with DIALux?

Consult the Caneco Implantation Reference Manual, chapter 23 "DIALux Interface".

How do I read a DWG file created with Caneco Implantation using AutoCAD with no ALPI application?

In AutoCAD, make sure the external graphics are displayed, then enter “proxyshow” in the control line and set the value to 1.

How do I export a Caneco Implantation project to an AutoCAD entity?

Consult the Caneco Implantation Reference Manual, chapter 28.5 – Exporting a DWG 2D containing only AutoCAD entities.


How do I quickly amend the same information in numerous circuits?

Select the cell in the panel single-line diagram and press the space key.

  1. Use the Search function (Ctrl+F).
  2. You can amend the information directly in the spreadsheet.

How do I insert text into the panel single-line diagram?

Select the cell in the panel single-line diagram and press the space key.

Installation and use of the software

Caneco BT tells me it can’t find a catalogue even though it’s in the Caneco BT base directory

The catalogues are managed according to their date of creation. If you have a maintenance contract, simply updating the key will resolve the problem.

On start-up, Caneco BT tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> Licence file (CanBTL.DAT/CanBTP.DAT) incorrect or absent”

Download the key update and copy the files to the computer containing the protection key:

  • With Windows XP: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ALPI Shared
  • With Vista and Seven 32 bits: C:\Program Files\Common Files\ALPI Shared
  • With Vista and Seven 64 bits: C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\ALPI Shared

On start-up, Caneco BT tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> The key will not allow you to run this program version”


Your protection key contains information on the versions you can use. If you have a maintenance contract, you have to update the protection key.

On start-up, Caneco BT tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> User rights expired”


To protect it when sent by post, the protection key is programmed with an expiry date.
After installation (or reinstallation with an old CD), you need to go to the ALPI site and update the Caneco BT key.

On start-up, Caneco BT tells me “Licence not valid or licence file not up to date -> Protection key not found”


With USB or parallel port protection keys:
- Make sure the key is properly connected to the terminal and the key drivers are properly installed.
With software keys (FlexLm):
- Check the configuration in ALPI licence manager (customer terminal).

I’m experiencing problems installing Caneco BT with Windows Vista or XP 64 bits.


Caneco BT versions prior to 5.3.3 aren’t compatible with the Windows 64 bits versions.
If you try to install it manually anyway, your results could be erroneous. For use with Windows Vista or Seven 64 bits, you’ll need to update Caneco BT to use version 5.3.3 or later.

I don’t seem to be able to install Caneco BT version 5.2 with Windows Seven.


Caneco BT versions prior to 5.3.1 (build 709) aren’t compatible with Windows Seven.
If you try to install it manually anyway, your results could be erroneous. So for use with Windows Seven, you’ll need to update your Caneco BT version.

Where do I install the protection key update for a networked system?


You can update the protection key on the PC containing the key.
You should also copy the update files into the default directory: C:\Program Files\ALPI\Caneco\5.X.

Electrical Equipment Catalogues

Why does Caneco BT offer me overdimensioned circuit-breakers when I’m making calculations for an IT installation?

The neutral system imposes additional checks such as the breaking capacity on one pole (see NF C 15-100 para. 5-533.3.1) and the number of poles (see NF C 15-100 para. 4-431.2.2).

Why does Caneco BT propose an overdimensioned switch (e.g. 800A for a consumption of 20A)?

Up until version 5.3, Caneco BT didn’t manage the coordination between a circuit-breaker and a switch. Please consult the manufacturer tables.

How do I make calculations for circuits with circuit-breakers prior to 1992?

Caneco BT does not include manufacturer bases prior to 1990.
However, you can select off-catalogue to obtain your protective requirement manually.

Important: only the information you enter will be taken into account.

I can’t find the registered manufacturer circuit-breakers (e.g. DB90) in Caneco BT.

To select these circuit-breakers, you need to select the registered manufacturer database, then make sure the conditions of installation are compliant with the installation (Ik at the terminals, neutral rating, number of poles, voltage, etc.).

Caneco BT can’t find any circuit-breakers for calculation of a 690V IT installation

In this voltage range, the neutral system is most commonly chosen.

With an IT installation, you need to check the breaking capacity on one pole of the protection. The manufacturers don’t usually provide data for voltages above 415V. In this particular case, you can forcibly select an off-catalogue circuit-breaker and then you’ll need to approach the manufacturer directly to confirm or otherwise your choice.

When making calculations for an aluminium cable, Caneco BT tells me it’s “off-catalogue”

By default, Caneco BT limits aluminium cross-section calculations to 25 mm².
You can change this value in the menu Tools / Calculation options / Cables / "Aluminium cables from”.

How do I insert a type of cable not offered by Caneco BT?


Caneco BT has an exhaustive list of the most widely used cables.
If you wish to use another type of cable, you can ascertain your link by indicating the type of PVC or PRC insulation (see (see NF C 15-100, Tables 52F and 52D).

I can’t find a model in the Caneco BT “User Selection by Model” list

In the circuit file, under “Additional Data”, check the manufacturer file called up and the year of the catalogue.

Calculations and Standards

Caneco BT advises me “off-calculation (voltage drop)”. What can I do?

In certain cases, the admissible voltage drop may be exceeded.
In such cases:

  1. check the voltage drop allowed by the type of connection and the voltage drop in the source.
  2. retest the upstream cables to carefully ascertain which ones to overdimension for calculation of the downstream circuits.

Why, downstream of a single-phase circuit-breaker, does Caneco BT propose a circuit-breaker with a higher breaking capacity (e.g. C60L single-phase downstream of a C60N)?

When calculating the protection, Caneco BT takes the temperature de-rating into account.
For the same consumption, but at a different temperature of installation, an over-requirement circuit-breaker might in principle be proposed.

Example: for a working current Ib=16.1A at 30°C, Caneco BT will suggest a C60L 16A as this is designed to withstand up to 16.9A, whereas the C60N doesn’t go above 16A.

Why is it impossible to obtain a proposal for a cable downstream of a 20kVA inverter?

These inverters require short-circuit currents that are often very low (in the region of 2 to 3 In). This means that the short-delay device placed downstream of your inverter has to be set to a lower value.

If that isn’t possible, you can trip the thermal switch of the protective device so long as you comply with the relevant provisions (see NF C 15-100 para. 4-435.1 and the ensuing articles).

Why does Caneco BT propose a large cross-section cable for a lighting circuit?

Several criteria may result in an overdimensioned cable. These are shown in the result sheet on the left of your screen to help you to define the search required to reduce the cross-section.
You can find further information on these criteria in the glossary of the Caneco BT User Manual. (PDF format).

I don’t understand what “Equipot” means.

Equipot = (Main) Equipotential.

Equipotential is governed according to the definition given in NF C 15-100 (para. 544.1).
The equipotential bonding cable is situated at the starting point of the installation and/or at the point of penetration of each building, and connects all the earth conductors, the main equipotential connection and the various protective conductors.

Caneco BT asks me to specify the total harmonic distortion rates, but my customer gives me no information on this type of pollution. What do I do?

In principle, there is no indication of the THD rates to apply to specific type of premises or buildings.
However, you can find this information in Engineers’ Techniques.

Does Caneco BT allow for a maximum voltage drop on start-up?

Caneco BT allows for this maximum voltage drop on start-up in “motor” type circuits.
Important: this value is only taken into account on the circuit concerned. In the case of an installation with a tree structure, the calculation will need to be made again.

What is the coefficient of use used for in Caneco BT?

The coefficient of use is generally used for the motors, so as to prevent motor fatigue.

The Ib current is calculated at full power; the working current is then 0.9xIb (circuit default configuration).

The protective device offered by Caneco BT for my circuit is not suitable. How do I find another one?

By default, Caneco BT offers the protective device best suited according to the circuit data.
If the choice isn’t suitable, you can select another protective device via the user choice. This change may entail modifications to the characteristics of your connection.

How do I let Caneco BT know whether a circuit is backed up or not?

There are several ways to indicate the type of circuit power supply.
The simplest way is to go via the circuit card and indicate your choice in the power supply fields.

For a multiple entry, the Spreadsheet display method is the best suited as it enables information to be copied/pasted.

How do I make calculations for an LV installation in a country where the standard is not NF C 15-100?


Caneco BT currently manages 14 international standards, if you have the International Pack (formerly module P7) or the Caneco BT Full Version.

Can I make calculations for a direct current LV installation with Caneco?

Direct current calculation is possible with Caneco BT if you have the Direct Current Pack (formerly module P13) or the Full Caneco BT Version.
Make sure you chose a DC base to make calculations with the appropriate protection!


Why isn’t my standby source shown in my general single-line diagram?

Caneco BT differentiates the Normal part from the Standby part. In the Sources toolbar, a drop-down window enables you to toggle between the “Normal Source” and “Standby Source” displays.

NB: In “Normal Source” mode, the standby circuits are not shown, and vice versa.

How do I draw a control component (contactor, remote switch, etc.) in a Caneco BT outgoing circuit?

Integrate a control component via the circuit card, “Additional Data” tab, and check “Component 2” to activate the information fields.

How do I change the symbol of a protective device shown in my panel single-line diagram (e.g. draw a plug-in circuit-breaker)?

In the “Libraries” palette, you have several models of symbols. Please note that the symbols have properties. A symbol can only be replaced by a symbol in the same family.

How do I display my control diagrams, front face and layout of my panel single-line diagram?

On the right of the main Caneco BT screen, select the tab corresponding to the type of document.

How to I draw the earth bar in the panel single-line diagram?

In Caneco BT, the earth bar can be generated via the circuit card, Downstream/Diagram tab. Check the “Draw earth bar in the single-line diagram” option.

How do I number the terminals in the panel single-line diagram?

This can be done manually in Caneco BT, via the circuit card, or automatically. This function can be accessed in the Tools/Identification menu.

How do I obtain the drawing of the terminals in the panel single-line diagram?

The generation of the terminals is managed via the Tools/Preferences/Panel Single-line Diagram menu.

NB: to display the cables, their length must be greater than 0.

How do I display the characteristics of the components shown in the panel single-line diagram (e.g. Reference, In and number of poles in the circuit-breaker)?

You can do this via the Tools/Preferences/Panel Single-line Diagram menu, by checking Display the text of the symbols.

NB: The attributes of the symbols were only introduced in version 5.3.1. You will not, therefore, be able to display them, even in a new version.

How do I identify the components in the panel single-line diagram?

This can be done manually in Caneco BT, via the circuit card, or automatically. This function can be accessed in the Tools/Identification menu.


Where do I show the drawing number when I’m printing out a folder by distribution?

The drawing number specific to the panel is accessible via their circuit card in the “Downstream” tab, “Diagram”, then complete the “Drawing no. for printouts concerning this panel” fields.

There is information missing in the 4-circuit calculation sheet.

The 4-circuit calculation sheet has been retained solely for versions prior to version 5.
For the more recent versions, it is no longer suitable and you now have to use the 3-circuit calculation sheet.

NB: the 10-circuit single-line diagrams are also affected and now available in the 8-circuit version.

On printing, how do I display the labels in the general single-line diagram?

The general single-line diagram (formerly module P2) can only be printed if you have the “Evolution” Pack or the Full Caneco BT Version.

By default, the labels are not displayed so as to maximise display compatibility.
These labels can be printed via the Tools/Printing Models/Document Models menu. Select the document used and click on the “Details” button on the left of the dialogue window.

How do I print my standby source into my general single-line diagram?

The general single-line diagram (formerly module P2) can only be printed if you have the “Evolution” Pack or the Full Caneco BT Version.

Printing the standby source has to be configured in the single-line diagram selected, using the Tools/Printing Models/Document Models menu.
Select the document used and click on the “Details” button on the left of the dialogue window.

When printing, how do I delete or add information shown in the Caneco BT general single-line diagram?

Information available in the singe-line diagram labels is accessed via Tools/Preferences/General Single-line Diagram.
NB: To remain legible, there must be no more than 6 items of information.

How do I integrate appended documents into my Caneco BT folder (diagram, technical recommendations, glossaries, etc.)?

This integration facility (formerly module P2) is now available in all Caneco BT versions.
It is available in the Tools/Printing Models/Document Models menu. To insert them into the final Caneco BT document, click on the “Details” button on the right of the dialogue window.

The pages created and inserted must be based on the principle of the existing models (e.g. Glossary for the text files and Site Plans for the images).

In which languages can I print out a Caneco BT study? And how do I do it?

Caneco BT currently handles 9 different printing languages if you have the International Pack (formerly module P8) or the Caneco BT Full Version.
In which case, you can select the required language from the File/Layout menu.

How do I insert my logo into Caneco BT documents?

You need to copy your company’s logo in image format into the directory:

Caneco BT 5.3 and prior versions:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ALPI\Caneco\5.3\Labels

Caneco BT 5.4 and following versions:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ALPI\Caneco BT\5.X\Labels

It is then selected in Caneco BT, Tools/Preferences/Print menu.

Import / Export and Exchanges with Other Software

How do I cost my Caneco BT project?

This functionality was developed in OfficeElec. This ALPI software program was developed to cost and design the layout of cabinets sent from Caneco BT. 

Can I export my graphic documents to the DXF format?

Caneco BT enables the import/export of dxf files provided you have the Caneco BT Classic or Full version (formerly module P10).

Can I export my Caneco BT data and results to the Excel format?


Caneco BT enables the import/export of xls files provided you have the Import/Export Pack (formerly module P10) or the Caneco BT Full Version.