




Protection Key Updates for Caneco Implantation


  • File name: Keymaj-IMP-INTL.zip
  • Size: 0,29 Mo
  • Date: Daily update of this file

Key update procedure:

NB: The USB key must be connected to the workstation or the key server

  1. To download the file, click on the button "Download" below.
  2. Enter the file in the directory “Alpi Shared":
         - Windows 7 32 bits: "C:\Program Files\common files\Alpi Shared"
         - Windows 7 / 10 64 bits: "C:\Programmes\common files\Alpi Shared" or in "C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Alpi Shared"
  3. Unzip the file into the above-mentioned directory, replacing the existing files.
  4. Run the program KEYMAJ.exe to update your USB key.